Banana Stem Juice

Banana stem is loaded with Potassium and Vitamin B6. The taste of banana stem is bland with a slight bitter after taste. It helps in improving the overall health, assists with weight loss and people suffering from urinary tract infection, heartburn, cholesterol problems, constipation, acidity and ulcers. It helps in increasing the production of insulin and hemoglobin in the body, helps in retaining the muscle tone and helps in detoxifying the body. It also aids in the removal of calcareous deposits in the body such as kidney stones and gall bladder stones, and helps in preventing high blood pressure.


  • Remove the outer layers of the banana stem.
  • After chopping the stem into roundels, do not remove the inner fibers (The inner fibers contain the most nutrition)
  • To avoid decolorization, soak the stems in buttermilk or in water with a few drops of lemon juice